Dashi's story by Taigai Hardluck English version
I woke up,in the dark,in a small room,without anything...but FEAR.There were others,and they looked the same. I was in the corner, away from the others. After some time the lights turned on and four guys walked in...but i wasn't focused on them...a little girl caught my attention. She was special i don't know why, but i knew i have to protect her. All of the different ones that walked in, were looking at the others. I was scared. I wanted to flee, as long as they weren't looking so i moved a little. But they all looked in my direction. The little girl asked a man in gray why am i all alone. He said i was broken so they had to move me away. The girl walked up to me. She looked in my eyes and i looked in hers, she had beautifull sweety light yellow eyes. Then she said "Dad i want this one" They argued for some time. And then the one who looked like the girl said to the man in gray to turn me on. The man in gray said i could be dangerous, but the girls look-a-like didn't change his mind. Silly me i got scared so i jerked. I was now panicing, and i thing they knew it too. They were all scared...exapt the girl, she was calm and as i looked in her eyes i calmed myself too. "I apologize for my behavior...i'm just scared" i said. I think this shocked them more then my movement, but the girl interrupted them when she said "its okay" and then started introducing her self, i was listening to her and i learned about her. But i also realized that our whole conversation the man in gray and the girls look-a-like were talking in the distance. I didn't think it was important right now i wanted to talk to HER. As she talked us two and the four mans were walking out of the room through the hallways, but i stopped in one hallway next to an "info board" it was a map, a big one. There was one big palace and some other buildings next to it. The girls look-a-like started talking to the girl and he was whispering something to her. She then yelled a little "DAD i'm scared of her, she is really just a programed robot this one is different let me atleast try!!!" The girl's look-a-like thought, and when she was begging him, he said yes to her. She was so happy she run to me and wanted to grab me, but the guy in gray stood next to her and grabbed her instead and started quietly yelling at her that she can't just do this. Well i didn't like it so i grabbed his hand and started crushing it with words "let her go" until he letted go, but Immediately grabbed something in his pocked and i turned off. When i woke up again there were more people and the five i met, behind a window, in the labolatory i think. I was in a different room. I was there for a long time, they did couple of tests on me like turning me off and on and putting different kinds of things in my room to see my reaction, writting it all down. The girl was often there, but she was in the labolatory and never with me. Even when i could hear and see her it wasn't enough. One day before our usual meeting and i was sure something will happen. There were only two people now "Jennifer" and "Luke" they had me in charge. I said to them "you need to go check on Lucy" they just looked at me, but didn't do anything just writted it down so i walked to the window, knocked and repeat it. Jennifer turned her mic on and said that lucy is safe in her room. I didn't do anything because in exactly 5 minutes there will be 3 min pause with nobody to stop me, because they were changing people like that every day. I had 3 minutes to get out, save Lucy and return back. Thanks to me learnig things i figured out the number combination on the lock and thanks to stoping that one day next to the map i learned where is Lucys room. Oh and if you hadn't figured out, Lucy is the girl that wanted me. I walked out of my room straight to the hallway and started running to Lucy's room complex then quiltly walked to her play room, didn't know what exactly am i doing. I peeked around the corner and looked at the back of two guards watching lucy playing. Everything looked normal. So i decided to leave so i can hide and wait. Well let's just say i didn't because there was a shot from a gun and lucy's screaming. I immediately run to the room and rescued lucy from guards strong hand, he shot me in the arm, but i managed to take him down and make him moveless. Lucy was ok but the other guard seemed dead. When Lucy realized that i just saved her life and that the guard still can hurt her since i was holding him but i was damaged, she ran out of her room and went back with her dad that i called look-a-like, two guards and the man in gray. Of course they took the bad guard away and made me go back to the labolatory. But Lucy was all the way with me and she was explaing what happened. And of course they didn't belive her i mean she looked 6 or 7 years old and she was in shock so i didn't blame them. They checked the cameras and they were suprized that it was true and even more suprized were Jennifer and Luke when they heard about that. Since then, it got all better sure i was still in the room, but from now on Lucy would come play with me and was actually with me. Even tho we were being watched. I learned a lot of things. I learned Lucy is a princess, she is 6 years old and that i was her 3rd guard robot. You can maybe find it weird, but i didn't know i wasn't like her "a human" and i learned that i even looked a little different then the other robots. The main difference was that i had light, losos eyes almost like her hair, she had short, curly, light, white-losos hair. The other robots had lime eyes and little lighter hair. And of course i was different even in reacting to things. I could learn and that was "cool" how Lucy named it. Slowly i could go to her room and get new clothes which i could choose. Soon i was an (ab)normal Lucy's robot guard. One of almost 100 robot guards everywhere in the palace, but i was only hers, and i was the only "friend" she ever had. We were often playing "school" which was my favorite game. In fact it was all about learning things frow each other. I taught her informations i thought could be interesting for her and she taught me about humans and robots, more like about world. Once she was telling me something about "names" and she asked for mine and obviosly i didn't know back then so i told her my code "bot9520" and she said that its a weird name so she will give me new one, then she started to name all the names she could reamember, but she sneezed and it sounded something like "weshpfuuuu" and i just said "i like this one" and she was like "what?". "Dashi". That was the name i wanted. Since then we were "unseperable" we were everywhere with eachother her father was almost never with her because he was the king so he had "responsibilities" and Lucy's mother...wasn't on the earth anymore so i basically raised her. Till her 12th everything was incredibly good untill her birthday. You know she just started puberty so she wanted her first big party with anything she wants. I didn't like people much. Especially not the new ones or a lot of them at one place. Sure Lucy knew them all some were from the school from class where i couldn't go, but still. It was 8pm o'clock when it happened i don't know how is it even possible, but i did not feel good, i felt dizzy. I think Lucy noticed that because she was looking at me really woried before i passed out. I reamember only small pieces from what was going on. I saw Lucys face, she was crying, panicking, she was scared, but not just because i passed out, the others were panicking too, something was happening. Then i reamember that i woke up in the right time, Lucy and her three best friends from her school - Abigail, Harper and Josh. Were all in the corner, girls were behind Josh facing one of the robot guards having a gun pointing at them. I couldn't really move 'cuz everything was so fuzzy and damaged, but i had to get up, i got a rock and hitted that bastard in the head. The robot fell down on the ground. And i just saw myself in the mirror. I was in the room with one big hole from a bomb showing dead bodies and killer robots everywhere behind me, four 12-14 years old traumatized kids that were second ago facing a robot that wanted to kill them and now they are facing another robot that looks even more horrific then the first one. I looked like shit. Anyway lets just say it WAS kinda hard to get them out safely to one most safe and neerest room. And as you can image as soon as i locked us in the labolatory they all went from quiet-trauma to panicking-scared as hell, now they were locked in a room with a robot. It looked like a bad joke to me. And it got even better when Luke just poped out of the room they kept me in and hit me with a fryin' pan to the head. I almost passed out, but i did stop him making him almost lick the floor if you know what i mean. Now i even had to watch a grown-up that is even more scared then the kids. At least Lucy looked like she didn't belive i turned into these robo-killers even tho she was scared too. Since i needed to prove them that i'm really not one of the killer ones. I calmly started talking "look i know you all are scared and i don't need you to trust me just so quickly, but what am i asking for, is just you all to calm down" it took some minutes, but then we finnaly did calm down. All of them were in the corner and Luke still had that fricking frying pan. I sat face to them back to the exit. I tried to get them to talk 'cuz its harder to protect someone when you don't know the situation. So they went, first was Lucy saying "well i was just hanging out with Stacy when I saw how you didn't look good. And then you just fell down and hit your head cuz of the tree." ,then Josh "I saw Lucy running to you so i went after her and because there wasn't a grown-up" ,then Abigail "they went to me and Harper for help cause we were the neerest, i mean that garden is huge." ,and lastly Harper "We all dragged you to that room and then there was an explosion when Lucy was trying to wake you up and the robot went throuth the hole and you know the rest". It was weird, all of this. Why would i pass out and the other robots would become robo-killers. And why it all look so...timed "It just don't make any sence" i said
And of course Luke had to say something respy, but if he didn't said it i wouldn't have reamember. "You don't make sence too and i wasn't complaining about it". That it! I reamembered. When they created me i was the last one from that serie of robots so i was in checking room that night. I heard noises and voices. And then they went to the room i was in, saying "this should be the last one" they opened a laptop and put a plug to back of my head. I heard something like a blocking noises from the laptop that made them mad. And in the proces something disterupted them so they run off. Sadly i can't reamember their faces. As the memory ended something wanted to barge into the room, but as i known from Luke "there was no other exit" i still felt really dizzy. But i needed to protect them i showed them to get behind me to the wall so who ever barge in won't see us and i could attact it they all listened which was...suprizing. I think they belived i will protect them. We were waiting for the door to open from the hard barging from the other side,but instead of that we heard a couple of shots from a gun and then i heard Jennifer. She was asking to open the door so i did, but she shot me too, well i was lucky because Luke didn't let her shot me again. I would propably die if he didn't do it, you could see Jennifers trying not to show-sorry face when Lucy starded crying begging me not to die. I said i was ok multiple times, but Lucy acted like she didn't heard it. Luke explained to Jennifer what was i doing with them and she told us that all of the robots in the palace went uncontrollably to a killer mode and that she needed to go to the workshop and get one body of the robots so she can analize what was happening in their system. Then she could figure out how to stop this. So we got to get going, on the way there i reamembered there was a weapon stock so i barged in and ate the ammunition of some different types of guns. Then i started preparing guns for me, Luke and Jennifer. She looked shocked and she propably decided that i'm really broken because i wasn't programmed to do that or even know how to charge the gun only how to use it. The kids got bulletproof vests and Harper found granates for Jennifer and Luke...Jennifer didn't let me have any weapons. Now we needed to be in perfect cooperation if we wanted to get all of us alive at the end of this castle. I was first because i was the srongest one, Luke was in the middle and had kids in charge and Jennifer was at the end of our group. I was a spy so the one to decide to leave or stay. We were slowly moving. We missed couple of dead humans and robots so we forced the kids to look up so they couldn't see. And then my shining moment came. I was at the corner and the rest was in a room kinda far away from me with only Jennifer peeking with gun around the door. Now i firstly really faced a turned on robot to be more specifict three of them. As you read this its not that epic as i only describe it, but how i was around the corner i transformed my hand into a sharp thing and stabbed one of them then made a cirkle turn yeeting that body to these two and with my now gun-arm killed them. That was the reason why did i eat the ammunition. Jennifer saw that all and it happened so fast that she was spaced out for a minute. Since then she REALLY didn't belive me at all. "Robots aren't suppose to do this" but she was also a little fascinated by it so she was asking me guestions everytime we got in a safe room. We met a couple more robots on our way, but they weren't a big deal much. When i could see our finish i grabbed a dead robot and placed it in the workshop at the desk Jennifer told me to. Then i walked to the corner because i was about to faint all the way here. All of them didn't really cared about me, exapt Lucy that was mutely attached to me all the way here. We both needed a break, she was really tired and even if my body was hard and cold she lied on me and we both fell asleap. Jennifer waked me up after some time. All the others were asleap. Suprizingly all the kids lied on me. Jennifer wanted to talk to me so we sat and she placed an electric gun on the table showing me she will stop me if i would try anything. She was asking me a lot of guestions like what happened, if i know why am i the only one that don't try to kill them and stuff. Lastly she asked a long forgotten guestion. "Why did you save Lucy that one day?" I was shocked because nobody asked me this even tho everybody wanted to know, and because now it wasn't really the situation for this. When i was quiet for some time she repeat it but more needy and rudly like. I responded "i had to" "why and how did you even know this would happen?" "I...i just knew it" Jennifer looked really angry even tho i don't know why so i asked. She started yelling at me that she worked hard for years to be there and create something impossible nobody ever did and when she had all of the perfect ones for Lucy. She choosed the only mistake she ever made. She waked all of them and they heard it all, but i didn't realize that and she propably didn't too. If i knew i would propably just stop her so she wouldn't have to look bad, but i didn't so she continued. "Not only i had to suck up the truth that i needed to watch you 24/7 BECAUSE you would hurt someone because you weren't safe, but now i also need to be with this fricking mistake seeing how he act so innocent and hero-like when he is propably leading us to death" i was a robot, and i wasn't "programed" to do this, but i felt a tear running down my face. And then i said "wow...i know i can't have feelings, ....but this hurted..." everybody were in shock staring at me, i felt that Jennifer regreded what she hust said to me, but i din't want her apologie so i runned away from the room throuth the hallway straith to a random room. It was dark, but i didn't care. I just sat there and watched the wall, till Lucy came to me she sat next to me, crying, not saying a word, she hugged me, it was nice. Until the room started to light up. There were people in black and green, and robots everywhere, and one guy i recocnized, doctor Stain or how i called him, the man in gray. He used a weird taser on me. I couldn't move, Lucy started hysterictly crying shouting my name. She didn't know i was just paralyzed. They took her and me outside and then to a truck. They tied us up atleast next to each other. And doctor Stain started to explain what is he doing. "You see "Dashi" i just want what everybody do, i want money and power. Which you two can help me with." My paralyzation started to faid away. "How?" Lucy said "Well sweatheart your daddy will need to resigh from his position and hand this titul with your country and all his money to me in exchange to keep you safe~" "But what about Dashi?" "He is not just a robot atleast the others i ever seen are nothing compered to him. He can learn who knows what else he can do. Did you even notice Dashi is completly fine? And not damaged at all he just look like he came trough a trash can, but exapt this, he is fine. Even when i saw him broken after the big piese of wall hitted him cause of the explosion." He was right i was damaged, but not that much like i should. If you count all the things that happened to me in one day i looked pretty good. Then he took out a notebook and started doing something. Then he said "Sweety now we are going to be recording a messege and you will read this paper so everybody can hear it. And if you do as i said maybe you won't get hurt. Oh and Dashi please don't do anything stupid if you don't want your little friend hurt" I was furious, all i wanted was to get Lucy out and punch that man in the face! Buuut yeah i still couldn't move. So we played along and when he was satisfied he le us think about this all. Then Lucy asked me "Are we going to die?" I said "no" of course, but since Stain started laughting i don't think Lucy was better. I watched him laughting and then i realized something. "You were the one that reprogrammed all of them and wanted to do it to me too...." he stopped laugh
ting, and started looking at me amezed saying "wow...i knew you were different, because you didn't accept reprograming, but i didn't know you were also smart. Too bad for you not choosing my side like a normal robot." Before i could argue with him we stopped as he said we were there. When they led us away i recognised we weren't that far from the palace, we could even see it. They took us in a small room where they sat us down. Then Stain started a TV where was a program that showed the catastrophe in the palace explaining the thing. Then they got the message Lucy was forced to say. As we watched Stain stood behind us holding our shoulders. Then he took Lucy's crown and stood on in making it fall apart. He turned off the TV saing to us to be a good, leaving the room with us and a lot of cameras watching us. I automatically started calming Lucy saying "it will all be ok" and then that "i won't let them hurt you" she looked me in the eyes crying, but smiling at the same time. She taught me about emotions and i learned hers. She was gratefull...for me being there for her. When we firstly started playing alone. She told me she misses her mom. And that she almost never get to see her father, "he is still saing that he loves her, but she don't feel it". Once when there was nobody she called me "dad" it was obvious she was feeling like she didn't have anybody exapt me. And now i looked at her the child i raised for half of her life and the one who taught me how to be a human. I couldn't just give up. No. There had to be a way. I closed my eyes. I turned off, but i was avare of every little detail that was happening. Through Lucy calling me i concentraded all my energy and made my hands free from the electric ropes. Then legs, till i was completly free from the chair. Lucy looked at me with amaze and hope as i stood up. I rescued Lucy and then heard a bomb. I destroyed the door and marvel at the world Luke came! I was never happier to see him and he too. Now as i got to know we just had to get out from the buiding where outside army was waiting. Ofcourse there were soldiers inside too, but since i looked like the other robots they could have kill me. But as you can image, it wasn't that easy. From both sides of the hallways were running Stain's people and robots. Luckily there was a vent where we jumped before they could spot us. We were now crawling in the vents and the best of it was the fact that i had to be sepereted from them just before exit. Because there was a water and . wad too damaged to come through. So i now had to go alone and find another way. And another suprize came out when i ran to Jennifer. Even when she didn't want to admit it she was happy to see me. And I knew exactly why. Behind her showed up another robots. I grabed her saying "caught the ceeling pole!" while i throw her in the air. She screamed, but then she realized what i meant by that and started coopering with me. I fought the robot on the ground while she was shotting them from the ceeling. To be honest i didn't think she would last for so long. When we were done with them i helped her down. She looked at me with a stare like, boy why did you do this to me!?? Then everything went fine. But when we walked to the last room we needed to get through Stain jumpscared us and shoted multiple times with maschine gun. Well i protected Jennifer with my own body and shoted him back. Jennifer caught me and lie me down. Now her hard shell fell off and i saw her after 6 years firstly really crying. I said "well i look like a colander now" she laughted. And then she said "i'm sorry that i called you a mistake before. You aren't one, now that i think of it you are the most perfect thing i ever made...Please stay" And so then i died... hahahha just kidding she bandaged me up somehow it was working on me a little. I mean its true that the mashine gun don't have that damaging bullets. She grabbed me and we both came out like a heros. And now we are fine. Even more then before. Lucy started to spend more time with her daddy. And started calling me "dad" too. Harper, Abigail and Josh are almost everyday playing with Lucy, Jennyfer and Luke got married and you can only guess who went to witness them. They are still making robots to the castle, but also work as the guardians! And they don't make that much of the robots because they do it alone now only three people from 12 original. Well two people and one robot that will be me ofcourse. Well that is propably all for now. I hope you liked my story. Goodbye! Oh and i will propably make a second part when another dream will happen. Bye pups!